Using climate data for better decision making

We may think that there is a lack of information on weather or climate conditions data. But the fact is that this is not true. There is lots of primary environmental and climate information dispersed in the “World Wide Web” and in different information repositories that can be used. The problem is that there is a lack of means to take this information to the final user like you and me.
I will write today about the importance to have available climate information for better decision making. It can be used for early warning systems, disaster response planning or for simple citizen’s knowledge.
One of the most important environmental set of data worldwide is the one coming from global meteorological monitoring systems. At present the major repository of these numbers is the World Weather Information Service. All the information is available only in the web and used mainly by governments instead of the normal people or local cities authorities. By July 1st, the system received weather forecasts for around 3000 cities worldwide. All this information is in their webpage: . But are we able to read and interpret it?

According to the WMO there is a need of a group climate services such as historical data sets for particular places; statistical summaries of temperature patterns, long-term averages or maps, or risk analysis of extreme conditions. They mention that there are 13 sectors of the economy that need more climate change information for better decision making: agriculture, power, buildings, infrastructure, renewables, oil & gas, utilities, mining, tourism, automobile, chemicals, financial and health care. The information is there but it is not reaching final users.
Cities and areas vulnerable to climate change are growing faster and national and local authorities need to manage the environmental and climate change risks. They require information in real time to do better decision making. In addition, users need to get this information easily to decide or plan what to do if there is heavy rain, or sun o a tornado comming.

I have seen a great example of a US company called “Weather Decision Technologies” that has several ideas on sharing information in real time, one of their service is called Imap weather radio that gives you weather information of your location in on your iphone.
An intensive use of applications for mobiles or computers easy to be managed could be an alternative too. Maybe, common social networks such as facebook or twitter could be great allies. So let’s tweet this…
one thing its to carry the information to the people that may have some interest on it (wheater and enviromental changes) and another one, its to actually create a change of culture, "a mind reboot" about all the changes around us and how they will impact our lives and society. Then, the problem its bigger, what if the information could reach everyone of us (internet, phones, all the media) is that enough to make a change? how to defeat our of paradigmas, from the basic (to recicle) to an entire country directive about global warming for example, how to deal with interest in the industry and balance them with a responsable eco-culture?... these are biggest questions, and Im afraid that human tendency its to react when we are at the border of the abyss