The good news COP18 has brought. Doha Gateway
Saturday December 8th, concluded COP 18 in Doha, Qatar. The outcome of the summit
is embodied in a document called the "Doha Gateway" which definitely
brings us four very good news, I've tried to summarize below:
The Kyoto Protocol is extended under a new period that will last 8
years, this means until
2020. The Protocol's flexible mechanisms: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),
Joint Implementation (JI) and International Emissions Trading (IET), will still
be working.
It has been established that parties must adopt a new framework for a global
climate agreement by 2015 , in which all countries of the world are
part and should set an ambitious target
for 2020. For this, it is important the public commitment of Ban Ki-Moon that
has said, he will work with world leaders to make them commit to it in 2014.
Finally it was defined the institutional framework or
"Infrastructure" to ensure the delivery of finance and technology
issues related to climate change in developing countries.
- The headquarters of the "Green Climate Fund" will be South Korea and will start its activities in 2014.
- The Technology Centre for Climate "Climate Technology Center" will be undertaken by a consortium led by UNEP
It has been defined, the need of climate
change financing in the long term, where developed countries have
reiterated your commitment to provide financing to developing countries, with a
value of $ 100 billion for mitigation and adaptation by 2020.
why is this good? Well, for several reasons. The first one is that dates and
responsibles for particular tasks have been set Second because it has been defined
a framework for global action where the developed and developing countries have
shared responsibilities, and finally especially because now there is an
administrator for the Green Climate Fund and funds to manage.
other fields of work of COP18 are:
- To review the target maximum temperature that the planet could withstand;
- To improve response processes of adaptation to climate change by most vulnerable countries,
- Keeping a clear record of mitigation actions of countries
- To evaluate new mechanisms for the carbon market to allow countries to meet their emission allowances
- To continue actions on forests and to measure the impact of deforestation on climate change.
- To work to include carbon storage and sequestration within the CDM mechanism.
is excellent .. Now we have to be prepared for the results of this homework to
be delivered in the next climate change summit which will be in Warsaw, Poland
in 2013.
official press release is here:
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